What is Lean Selling?

Lean Selling applies the principles and practices developed and refined for over 50 years in Lean product production and service delivery to the sales process. The Lean Selling System increases the value organizations deliver to their buyers, while eliminating existing waste in the process of delivering that value.

Companies that implement Lean Selling realize the following benefits

Dramatically shorter sales cycles
Much better sales forecasting and revenue predictability
Higher margins and profits
More satisfied and loyal customers
Sustainable competitive differentiation that goes beyond the product or service a company provides

5 Lean Selling System Benefits


Increase the value salespeople add for potential buyers


Eliminate time wasted (by both buyers and sellers) on unnecessary activities and unqualified prospects


Reduce sales cycle time


Improve the accuracy of revenue forecasting


Broaden an organization’s competitive advantage and differentiation beyond what is already provided by their product or service

5 Lean Selling System Practices


Eliminate activities that are unnecessary and don’t add value for the customer


Reduce activities that are necessary but don’t add value for the customer


Complete activities from beginning to end as quickly as possible


When things don’t go as planned or expected, find out why, make a change and see if it works


Empower the people who are carrying out activities to continuously improve the process